Gynecomastia Surgery Cost

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost

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Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Hyderabad, India

The cost of gynecomastia surgery in Hyderabad varies based on the severity of the condition. Generally, the surgery costs between Rs 45,000 and Rs 65,000, depending on the patient's specific needs.

At Medini, we ensure you achieve your desired look with permanent results. Our gynecomastia surgery involves removing the developed glandular tissue and excess fat in the chest through a safe surgical procedure, without any side effects or the use of chemicals.


What is Gynecomastia - Men's Gyno

Gynecomastia refers to the development of a female-like chest in males. This condition often arises during adolescence due to hormonal changes, where breast tissue tends to develop in females. However, in some males, hormonal imbalances during this period lead to abnormal breast development, resulting in gynecomastia. According to a report by Cleveland Clinic, over 40 to 60% of individuals experience this condition.

Gynecomastia removal surgery, also known as gyno surgery, aims to remove the glandular tissue from the chest area. This procedure is recommended for individuals who have breast gland development without significant fat accumulation.

The treatment approach depends on whether the gynecomastia is caused by fat accumulation or gland enlargement.

Advantages of Gynecomastia

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